Just in Time for Foster Care Awareness Month
We’re proud to announce our latest effort, launched just in time for Foster Care Awareness Month (May!): Nobody Ages Out. Nobody Ages Out (NAO) aims to ensure that every young person in foster care will have a family long before they reach the dreaded age of 21 when they “age out” of care and are, in essence, left without family or any support.
In partnership with Seed Impact and the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, we will be attacking the problem on many levels. We have formed a working group and learning community whose highest priority is to eliminate the ‘aging out’ problem altogether by making sure every young person is connected to a lifelong parent long before age 21.
Find out more about this campaign here.
Take action with us:
If you work in child welfare, tell us the 2 most important things that your agency could do differently to support a lifetime parent for every kid.
Reach out to join our NAO Campaign.
Share this message on Facebook or forward it to friends or colleagues.
Together, in Foster Care Month and every day of the year, let’s make sure that nobody ages out without family.