Turning 21 should not be an occasion for dread.
That’s why we’re working so “Nobody Ages Out.”
Nobody Ages Out (NAO) is a YGB-led movement to ensure that every young person in foster care will have a family long before they reach the dreaded age of 21 when they “age out” of care and are, in essence, left without family or any support.
With the support of the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, SEED, and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the YGB team leads a working group and learning community whose highest priority is to eliminate the ‘aging out’ problem altogether by making sure every young person is connected to a lifelong parent long before age 21.
This Movement has three distinct goals:
- To educate foster care and child serving agencies on the effectiveness of the older youth adoption strategy to preventing homelessness and other social problems children who age-out of foster care face;
- To attract new stakeholders, funders, and change-makers in the effort to change mindsets and improve permanency outcomes; and
- To raise awareness about the plight of older kids waiting within the public system. Public Service Announcements and videos highlighting success stories are used to encourage new interest in adopting older children, and thus increase the pool of potential parents for children in need.
We invite you to join us in making sure that “Nobody Ages Out”: