Loretta always wanted to be a mother, and in 2007 she decided to turn to foster care to start her family. Her first experiences with the process seemed too good to be true. Loretta had told the agency she was initially working with that she didn’t know if she could parent full time. The agency assured her that is was no problem with them if she returned the child to their care if she couldn’t handle it. The initial relief Loretta felt wore off when she considered the child’s feelings. She was afraid she would hurt the youth’s feelings, and make him/her feel abandoned or unloved if she had the agency remove the child from her home. She also had negative experiences when she wanted to foster teens. She felt that she wanted a teen girl, but an agency caseworker discouraged her and told her, “Girls get pregnant and talk back.” The worker would not hear of her fostering a teen. She wrote in her file that Loretta was to foster boys, no older than seven.
Loretta met Nefertiti on one of YGB’s teen panels. Because Nefertiti was 20, Loretta thought she was too old to be adopted. Through YGB she learned she was wrong. In 2007, Nefertiti moved into Loretta’s house and spent Christmas with her family. She was officially adopted in June 2008.
“Nefertiti has blossomed into a beautiful woman,” Loretta says. Now in her mid-20s, and with Loretta’s unconditional love and support, Nefertiti has finished her high school degree, gone to trade schools, and some college. She has her own business and has maintained a steady clientele for years.
Loretta was so moved by her experience with YGB, she left a lucrative job and joined the YGB team in 2012. Loretta said. “I am proud to work alongside some of the biggest, hardest working Believers in the world.“